Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tell us about your group--experiences, insights, questions, difficulties

 Come one, come all!  We hope you will join the conversation for the mid-point Why Catholic article in the Catholic Missourian the week of October 30.  Simply add a comment to this post telling us about your experience, insights, questions and whatever else is noteworthy in your faith-sharing group.   We would all like to hear from you and use your quotes in  the newspaper.  Over four thousand people in the diocese talking about their faith... seeking to understand more thoroughly and live more deeply what we believe!--This is certianly worth writing about! The Holy Spirit  is on the move!  Waiting to hear.. Jim and Carolyn


  1. For Session 3 on Faith: I Believe, We Believe, I downloaded from the Internet (Magiceye.com) some 2-dimensional images. These are images that when held at a certain distance away from you and by focusing at a distance, another image slowly forms and takes on a 3-dimensional image. It was such fun. Everyone was giggling. I told them faith has something in common with the magic eye images in that our focus has to be right before we can see the bigger picture, but once we see it there's no doubting it. Some individuals who were familiar with the images said they could never see the inner picture before, but the evening of our session, they were able to focus and see the 3-dimensional image. Those who could never get the focus just right, took them home with them.

    I also told them the story of John Henry Cardinal Newman that I got from the USCCA. This was the Cardinal who was an avid preacher and writer of faith at colleges and universities who got so many followers. Most never knew Newman Centers at colleges and universities were named after him.

    At every session, I always have printed for each the lyrics to the song of the session so they can all follow along. On the back of the song lyrics, I have printed for them the reading for the session and the Catechism reference. This works out well and allows each to concentrate more.

  2. The forth session "The Trinity" was a mind twister! Lots of good discussion. Everyone in our group is enjoying the program.
