Monday, November 23, 2009

Does the Church welcome those who belong to the Masonic order?

The Church does not believe that belonging to the Masonic order can be reconciled with Catholic doctrine. It is a grave error for a Catholic to be a member of a Masonic brotherhood. Membership in the Masons implies consent to doctrine that is held by this secret society which contradicts Church teaching.

The Masonic societies claim truth about God, revelation, their own origin as a group, and a view of mankind that conflicts with Church teachings. The modern societies find their origins in specifically anti-Catholic groups. Their philosophy espouses Enlightenment ideals that put reason above all things, including divine revelation. In the late 1800s in Europe and America, Masonic lodges actively blocked Catholics parishes, schools and businessmen from fair and equal treatment in society. In the early 20th Century, Pope Leo XIII in Humanum Genus officially condemned these secret societies and forbad Catholics from joining under the threat of excommunication. This was codified in the 1917 Code of Canon Law.

In the last forty years, there has been quite an active debate in the US about Catholics belonging to Masonic lodges. It seems that the nature of these groups in Europe were quite different from how lodges operated in America today. The thought was that local bishops or priests could make a distinction as to a specific lodge’s being anti-Catholic or not. The 1983 Code of Canon Law did not specifically mention Masonic societies, choosing instead to keep the definition more broad and forbidding membership in secret societies which are anti-Catholic. Many interpreted this to mean that membership was ok for Catholics, as long as their local lodge did not engage in activities contradictory to the Church.

In fact, in the same year as the promulgation of the 1983 Code, the then Cardinal Ratzinger issued a clarification, lest anyone misunderstand the code. It is clear from Pope Benedict that his views and Church teachings have not changed.

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